
Track content usage

Having some stuff on the internet means that other people (or more commonly: the computer programs of other people) copy that content. This might be bad for you if you are worried of the specific copyrights or loose revenue. This might be good if you want to distribute information. However, in both ways you might be interested in who is copying this information from you. Some sites might hotlink or embed your content in their websites (e.g. this might be the case when it comes to images). You can typically detect such things in the logs of your webserver or your web analytics tool. It get‘s more complicated when somebody simply copy & pastes the content from your site. For images, you can use watermarking but for plain text, you have no chance (at least no one that I can imagine), either for a visual or digital signature, since it‘s just ASCII. I‘m looking for a way or tool which crawls the internet for specific keyword combinations, such that i‘m enabled to find people who actually copy textutal content that was originally produced by myself.

How to enable Java in Firefox 3.6

Since Firefox 3.6, the option box to enable Java (not javascript) in Preferences->Content is disappeared. Now, the question is: how to enable Java content pages in Firefox 3.6 or later? Because, on one side sometimes there is an important site for us that need Java. And in another side, some of us prefer to use Firefox (than any other internet browsers) and do not want to change our default browser to any other browsers.

Creating custom content from various website

Sometimes we want to organize the information from several different website so that it become easier for us. For example: compare the price of a product from many different on line shops, browse pictures from many different websites, read news from many different news website, and so on.
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