
The standard way to test components is to use Karma and Jasmin. They are already preinstalled in every Angular project. You get them by the Angular CLI. Angular also provides a TestBed for testing components and services.

But there are also others frameworks you can use: If you want to write integration tests instead of frontend tests you should use e2e with Protractor. Another solution for integration tests would be Selenium, which is a standard way to test web applications.

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Important use cases are not tested

With a small change (styling, new fields) during the development lot of Use-Cases can crash. To avoid the high effort of the testing all the important cases, testing should be automated. Tools like Selenium provides an capture and replay mechanism. Build servers (Bamboo) can then be configured to start the test on if something gets merged into the master branch.

Use automated UI Test, which is possible with the Selenium library and a browser driver. The browser driver allows us to run actions in a browser while writing code. The Selenium library is an interface to connect many browsers with the same code base. So now we are able to code a simple test, where a robot is automatically clicking through the website and trying out the login functionality. This technique may also apply to test other important and high priority UI features.


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