There have been many workarounds published at sun's forum facing this problems. The most easiest way is as follows:
Goto Applications (Shift+Cmd A)
Open 'Netbeans' folder
Show Packages Contents (Contextmenu 'NetBeans')
Contents > Resources > NetBeans > etc
Edit 'netbeans.conf': # Default location of JDK, can be overridden by using --jdkhome :
Save file
Happy developing and deploying apps using Netbeans 6.1 and Java 1.6 on MacOS.
Submitted by Bernhard Scheuer on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 20:01
Some crucial bugs had been fixed since previous release. However, there are still some contradictions developing java apps based on release 1.6 – Class-Version Error, messaging missing libraries falsely, to name a few. Additionally, in certain issues compiling sources are done on v1.5 contrary to v1.6.
Apple’s description of the iCal Server installation process is very scarce. Apple’s Directory service is required to authenticate users and a correct DNS configuration is required to enable Directory service. DNS is a problem if you have a local network installed with Airport.