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Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

How can the creation of WCF or ASMX Web Services be simplified at high quality level?

<p>&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 20.0px; font: 12.0px Verdana; color: #494949;">Is there a way to increase the speed of overall web service development using .NET and preferrable WCF.

Securing an iPhone / iPod touch with installed SSH Server

<p>&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica;">Many iPhone owners have installed an application for the iPhone that provides SSH - Secure Shell - server functionality. This implies the accessability from external hardware such as PCs or Macs.

Large files can't be downloaded via asp on IIS 6.0

<p>There is an existing application based on asp-pages running on IIS 6.0. In this application exists an asp routine which controls if an user has the permissions to download this file. If the user has the permission it will start the download. Else it will display an error message. The routine worked properly for a long eriod of time.</p><p>&nbsp;Now files have been added which were larger. These new files can't be downloaded. The download starts and but does not finish.

How to convert XML to JSON by using JavaScript or Java?

<p>&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica;">Over the last years the simple data format JSON had a great inpetus in the service-oriented architecture and especially in the area of internet services.

The meaning of DB2 ErrorCodes ?

If there occurs an SQLException in your code, well - DB2 will add some cryptic infocodes to help you. these look like: "DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -803, SQLSTATE: 23505." -> so -where can we find a human readable explaination to these codes without starting the IBM Webpage in an extra browserwindow using the SQLCODE search ? this could be found on: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v5r3/index.jsp?topic=/rzala/rzalafinder.htm OK but... We dont want to use a browser everytime we get an exception so ?

Date format in IBM DB2 Databases ?

Sometimes there is a need for a DATE-format for a field in IBM DB2 Databases... well Its not that easy like when using Oracle DBs, so what will we have to do to archieve a usable dateformat ? Well isn´t there an easy prepared function we could use ? NO. so what ?

Are Two WEB projects in one EAR-file running on Websphere6.1?

Sometimes it is just uesfull to reduce the amount of EAR files you have, so just have to deploy one. Have you ever tryed to run two different WEB projects with just one EAR file ? Of course the two projects will have individual codebases, sourcecodes and classpath but will they run properly ? How will we have to configure the EAR project, or the Webserver to accept both applications in one EAR File, and where will we need to declare the url-pattern for the servlet-mapping ?

Installing and Using a Version Control System

One of the best known version control systems is CVS. Subversion is a successor system and it should be used due to some improvements (see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subversion_(software)">Wikipedia entry</a>)

How to configure your mobile phone as a modem to internet

Your computer don't have internet connection. Your mobile phone have. U can connect your phone to your laptop by cable, infrared port or bluetooth. How do you make your mobile phone works as a modem ?

How to remote deploy a Web service to Apache Tomcat from within a Java program

The deployment of servlets to a Servlet container like Tomcat is usually a simple task: Just copy the developed servlet to a specific target directory. The container will then hot deploy it. The proposed task is however more complex: The goal is to make a programmatical remote deployment of a Web service. In other words, an already developed Web service is to be deployed from a PC to a remote server which is running a Tomcat Servlet container.


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