Welcome to TechScreen

Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

Configuring gmail in outlook 2007

Have you ever tried to configure your outlook client mail program for gmail mail server? If yes, then you should be familiar with this damn error prompt: "The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'pop.gmail.com', Server: 'smtp.gmail.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 465, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E"

Ruby On Rails Pagination

Hi TU Techies! I´m currently working on my first Ruby On Rails applikation. A part of this app is an adress-management userinterface. As the app manages a great amount of adresses there is a search page in the app. I want to display the search results with a google like pagintor. But I don´t really how. Pleas help me!

How do I couple Pellet with Jena or Sesame?

How can knowledge base management capabilities (which include loading multiple KBs at once, updating a loaded KB with new information, and also querying a loaded/updated KB) be added to Pellet? I know that it is possible to do this by coupling Pellet with Jena or Sesame but Jene or Sesame support only RDF not OWL. But I don't know where and how I can get started to achieve this?

How to enable sound in Ubuntu Linux on Asus computers

I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my ASUS laptop. And it works fine. However I cannot get the sound to work. The sound doesn't work even if the speakers are not muted. How can one get the sound to work?

How to enable Administrator account in Windows Vista

You may need to access the elevated Administrator account to access other user accounts to backup files in case of a failure. In Windows Vista, if you need to access the Administrator account built into Windows, you don’t have to boot into Safe Mode to do it.

Displaying Websites on IE Browsers correctly

As most non-flash sites use xhtml and css only, webdesigner (or those who realize such tricky designs) must face with issues that in the end this website has to be displayed correctly — some kind of platform/browser independency. Indeed, (X)HTML is standardized by the W3C, but web-browser render websites totally differently — caused by bugs mostly (IE). This becomes quite cruical, as for ex. designs require precisely fitting their components.

Simple remote support for inexperienced users

Students are often confronted with minor IT-problems of friends and family, who are not too familiar in the usage of computers. These problems could often be solved in minutes when personally interacting with the pc. Enabling common remote support, finding out the IP-address, configuring router... seems too complicated for these users. Which approach can be taken?

Synchronize large amounts of Files in heterogeneous (home-) networks

Many people are using notebooks and workstations with different operating systems and want to have all user files perfectly synchronized. There are several options to archive this, which is the best in regards of performance and usability.

to make a "formularvorlage" with TeX

i would like to produce the forms, i have to create for work using TeX.

Searchable Tagging for movies

i was tired of searching to a not very helpful folderstructure to find the movie or the group of movies, i was searching for. so i thought about ways to get better access.


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