Welcome to TechScreen

Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

How to get a consistent website design using Bootstrap

If your are new to CSS and HTML designing your website can be a hard and time consuming activity. To create a site that is easy to use and also looks nice you can spend hour on styling your different object and components.

Debug and test network applications

The Challenge is to control the exact form of the HTTP request. The user wants to specify the request URL, HTTP method, request headers, and message body (where applicable, e.g. when using the POST method). The HTTP Client supports both HTTP and HTTPS. Note that the current HTTPS implementation does not perform any SSL validity checking (i.e. is the server cert trusted?; does the cert match the hostname?; has the cert expired?; etc.), and there is currently no mechanism to support two-way SSL (client and server cert authentication).

integrate a Google Map into a Website using JSF

The Challenge is to implement a Google Map into a Website. The should be option to add a mark on the map using for example the address or the latitude and longitude.

Mavericks and contact sync

Since Mavericks it is not possible to sync the own contact without iCloud. If you don't want to put all in the big cloud you have to find another solutions.

Make specific subitems in Latex

I want to make an own enumeration with more deepness. Not only one subitem, maybe some more. The problem is, how can I manage it and which justifications have to be done in my latex files?

How to distribute wifi in larger builings

How to configure multiple access points to enable roaming if one access point cant distribute wifi for the whole building. The building needs about two access points to offer wifi in all rooms. It's intended to use non-business access points.

How to test a mail server?

Which steps have to be done to manually send an email using the SMTP protocol? This can be useful to check after setup if a mailserver is configured properly.

Reject virus messages using Postifx

The Postfix mail server is in place to received and send emails. To improve security incoming and outgoing messages should be scanned for malware. If the scanner detects a virus, Postfix should be reject the message in order to prevent users from receiving malware.

Installing an SSD + Fusion Drive into my MAC

I want to install a second hard drive in place of the optical drive and use the fusion drive technique . The operating system automatically manages the contents of the drive so the most frequently accessed files, applications, documents, photos and other data are stored on the faster flash storage, while infrequently used items move to or stay on the hard drive.

Deploying a Haskell web application to the Cloud

We want to expose our logic that is programmed in the functional programming Haskell as a web service and need to deploy it as a public web service. For this we want to use a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) vendor, i.e., 'Cloud hoster', in order to publish this web service with minimal configuration.


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