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Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

Avoid re-login to eduroam for Linux-machines

As other Linux-users I experience the problem, that I have to re-connect to the eduroam Wireless network every time I restart the laptop or even after waking it up from hibernate or sleep state. In that case I have to re-enter the password although it is set to be already stored along with the other settings for the eduroam connection. While this is not a serious problem it is still cumbersome.

Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks

Social engineering, in the information security, refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. A type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a traditional "con" in that it is often one of many steps in a more complex fraud scheme. How to Avoid Being The Victim of a Social Engineering?

How to restore deleted KVM files under Linux

If you have accidently deleted the files of your virtual machines while they are still running, what can you do? that was my personal experience with about 15 virtual servers !

What is cloud Compuing

suppose you work in a company with over than tens or Hundreds of servers, you need to have access to servers anytime and anywhere, Decreasing IT Support Costs, managing all servers in a short time and Critical Situations, Getting Better Performance and More Features, and …, what can you do ?

Semantic Web does not provide reference to object properties

Semantic web knowledge representation is build on triples, which represent subject - predicate - object. Semantic web Standards are using those triples as atomic building blocks for their own specification and any ontology. With triples knowledge can be specified like in the sentence: "Paul is a Person". "Paul" is the subject, "is a" is the predicate, "Person" is the object. Subject and object are considered as entities while predicates are considered as object properties are connecting those entities.

How to implement autoresize/autorotate of Android Player?

If you are programming an Android App with a VideoPlayer, sometimes you want that it looks more like the YouTube App. The user navigates to a video and the first screen is in portrait mode such that the player is on top and the description and other information is below the player. The intuitive behaviour of the user would be to rotate the device to landscape mode to see the video in fullscreen mode. During the rotation, the video should not be interrupted.

k -Node Minimum Spanning Tree

Formulate the k -MST problem as (mixed) integer linear programs (MILPs), based on: 1- Miller-Tucker-Zemlin subtour elimination constraints (MTZ) 2- single commodity flows (SCF) 3- multi commodity flows (MCF)

avg online shield service is sometimes up to 90% busy of the CPU usage

I've been running AVG as my antivirus for about 6 years.of curse I used different version of it until now. But it has a problem with one of its services which is Online Shield service. it using sometimes 100% of the CPU usage for a long time, and make computer so slower as you can think about it. I think that the main problem is the AVG Watchdog service and the AVG resident Shield Service. they are using to much cpu at times.

Enable tarcing & message logging

Tracing is a specialized use of logging to record information about a program's execution. This information is typically used by programmers for debugging purposes, and additionally, depending on the type and detail of information contained in a trace log, by experienced system administrators or technical support personnel and software monitoring tools to diagnose common problems with software.

How to deactivate your Facebook account

I spend too much time on Facebook every day. I should start thinking about the things I can do this time instead. I feel that I am wasting my life away on Facebook.


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