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Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

Draw lines and points with popup on google maps

I had to draw multiple points on a map from google maps, that represents stations. These points should show some information when clicked, like name etc. Additionally i had to draw a line between two stations, which represents the power cables that connects them. On an web-interface the user can search stations by different criteria, for which then i can fetch the coordinates.

Check Network Status when developing networked applications for iOS

When developing iOS applications which make use of the network connection you should always first check if there is any network available. If there is not the user should be warned with some kind of pop up or alert. If sending an application which does not check for an existing connection to apple it might get rejected by them. As stated above, when downloading large data it also might be of interest to know if the user uses the cellular or the wifi connection to determine which quality the download should have.

Cross-window messaging

Web pages often consist of multiple frames that coexist on a single visual page. A good example are advertisements, which are semantically not part of the content of the actual page and technically separated into an own frame. The consequence of this separation is that such ads have their own context and cannot access the context of the main web page.

Drag and drop in web applications

Modern web applications often have drag and drop interfaces that allow the user to change the layout of a page (like order and place of menu elements), organize personal content (like files and folders) or express selections by movement of control elements. Users are used to such operations from desktop applications, making such web applications easier to understand and use for less tech-savvy users. HTML5 provides built in capabilities for basic drag and drop operations, but usage of of browsers that support HTML5 is still rather low.

Full screen random background images on a website

As mentioned above the challenge is to have full screen background images on a webpage. The images should be chosen from a pool of images randomly. Everything needs to be browser independent. There should not be some CSS3 because IE does not handle CSS3 well enough at that time.

Best Newsreader

This Software can handle incomplete yEnc files. Even when a file is incomplete, it is possible still to download it for possible viewing. If you later download the missing pieces from different newsgroups or from a different news server, the Binary Boy newsreader will automatically detect that the file is complete and assemble it. It is also possible to preview movies and music, and download files.


MozillaHistoryView is a small utility that reads the history data file (history.dat) of Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers, and displays the list of all visited Web pages in the last days. For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, First visit date, Last visit date, Visit counter, Referrer, Title, and Host name. You can also easily export the history data to text/HTML/Xml file.

Google Calendar is a free time-management web application

With the help of Google Calendar, events are stored online, meaning that the calendar can be viewed from any location that has Internet access. In the case of a user experiencing a hard drive failure, it also means that no data is lost. The application can import Microsoft Outlook calendar files (.csv) and iCalendar files (.ics, the de facto open calendaring file format). Multiple calendars can be added and shared, allowing various levels of permissions for the users. Google Calendar allows multiple calendars to be created and shown in the same view.

System-wide waiting queue in PHP

The task is to find a way that enables php calls to an external application to be processed one at a time in the order they were entered. The context here is that I have, on a web server, an application that is being called by a PHP script. The execution of the application is quite costly in terms of CPU performance. The whole process is initiated by users (visitors to the homepage) so there may be several simultaneous calls.

Install Egit on remote client

I have a description how to install Egit on Eclipse on a client. According to the description I have done the following: .) started Eclipse .) selected Help -> Install New Software ... .) In "Work with:" selected "--All Available Sites--" .) in the filter field entered "egit" Nothing to select appears as the client is obviously not connected to the site. There might be the following solution, but I could not try it up to now: .) Get the addressof the site with the software. .) If this can be used in the "Add ..." function, I might have done.


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