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Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

RTC device behavior in Linux

Linux features a command called rtcwake which can - turn the computer off - suspend to memory - suspend to the hard drive - ..

Firefox: Internet keyword search

When you type in the location bar and press Enter, Firefox takes you to the Google search results page for that term. It is possible to turn this feature on or off, and to change the search engine.

Firefox: Toggling Location Bar Domain Guessing

If you enter an incomplete URL, Firefox can try to fix the URL by adding a prefix, suffix, or both to what you type. For example, if you type "www.facebook" in the address bar, Firefox will append .com to complete the URL.

Firefox: Adding smart keyword searches for specific websites

Firefox offers the functionality to allow users to utilize web site search functions without having to browse that website, clicking the search field, and then entering the term to search for. Instead, you can use the address bar to enter a keyword and then the search term, and you will be taken to the results directly.

Ports blocked under Windows

Sometimes when you want to install a service or launch a program (ie. apache or glassfish) on your Windows PC the port required by that program is already in use. Windows gives you no further information on the issue other than "in use".

forgotten password - joomla expose

Today I wanted to grant a user of our joomla portal the right to manage the photo gallery expose. Expose only uses a password to authenticate the userrights. Only those users who know the password are allowed to manage the albums. My problem was, I forgot the password I set a few months ago. . .

Producing a screendump of a website on a Linux server

I'm in a situation where I need to produce a screenshot of a website as part of an automated process on a web server. While this is not a big deal on a desktop, making a screendump on a machine that has, in fact, no screen at all proves a bit more challenging. The solution should obviously be command line based. I also do not want rely on any third party website (of which there are a ton out there) to produce the screenshots. The preferred form of output would be an image of any of the common formats (jpg, png, gif).

Importing Data from different sources

There are many services in the www that were build around an import and export function so that the communication between different parties becomes easier. To give an example, since some years now there is a growing market of “e-metering” so to say, services that measure the energy consumption of a single unit/building, provide historical overviews of consumptions and help with the billing of customers. In this field there are many competitors with different architectures, devices and formats for representing their measurements/bills.

Password delivery problem

When handling sensible information in the internet it has become common to verify users by a combination of password and username. More often than not the first communication between a web service and a new user is the registration.

Synchronous download in iOS application development

The download should happen synchronously because there is no need for the application to move on before the data which should be displayed is received. However, asynchronous downloads may be done in iOS version 5 there is no need for doing the download asynchronous.


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