
Both Maven and Gradle have to be configured individually to communicate through a proxy.

For configuring Maven, the settings.xml file in the {user.home}/.m2/ directory has to be edited. Create a new settings.xml if it does not exist. Within that file add the following tags to allow Maven to communicate through a proxy:

<host>{IP-address of the proxy}</host>
<port>{port of the proxy}</port>
<nonProxyHosts>{excluded IP adresses}</nonProxyHosts>

To allow communication using the https protocol, use <protocol>https</protocol> or add an additional proxy configuration for https.

To configure Gradle to communicate through a proxy, the file located in the {user.home}/.gradle/ directory is modified. As with Maven, if it file does not exists, create a new one. Within that file, the properties for http and https proxies can be configured using the following expressions:

systemProp.http.proxyHost= {IP-address of the proxy}
systemProp.http.proxyPort= {port of the proxy}
systemProp.http.nonProxyHost= {excluded IP adresses}

systemProp.https.proxyHost= {IP-address of the proxy}
systemProp.https.proxyPort= {port of the proxy}
systemProp.https.nonProxyHost= {excluded IP adresses}

In both Maven and Gradle configurations, the nonProxyHost property marks IP addresses which should be accessed without communicating through the proxy.

How to get MediaWiki running?

I configured the „LocalSettings.php“ file of an MediaWiki instance and got an confusing php error message on entering the landing page of the wiki. The solution of the problem was the line ending of my windows operating system. I pasted the config file with copy paste to the Linux terminal which included the carriage return and line feed ("\r\n"). The php parser was not able to resolve the carriage return and threw an random error. After cleaning the line endings everything worked.

Two options for fetching data are possible: FetchType.EAGER and FetchType.LAZY. Collections are loaded EAGER when they are fetched fully at the time their parent is fetched. That is, with nested classes the whole class hierarchy is fetched, even if all the subentities (children) are not needed.

With the LAZY option, data is loaded on-demand, e.g. when a certain entity is requested explicitly. Thus, when the parent entity is loaded with the lazy option, the children entities are not loaded per default. Only in case they are really needed (e.g. a certain method was called via GUI).
Here is an example how entities are marked to be loaded lazily:

public class Parent {

private String id;

private String name;

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List children;

// etc.


Configuration of a database connection in a JEE application

I intend to create a JEE application with tomcat as the webcontainer. I will use postgresql as a database, and will use Eclipse as IDE. Where can I configure how to access the database?

One solution to this problem is:

-Open Chrome on your computer.
-At the top right, click More and then click configuration.
-At the bottom, click Advanced settings.
-In the "Passwords and forms" section, click Manage passwords.
-In the "Saved passwords" section, on the right side of the website, click More and then click on Delete

E-Mail Filters

Many people get huge amounts of mail every day. It can be painful to sort, categorize and handle all those mails manually. Furthermore, it costs a lot of valuable time that you could spend elsewhere. However, there is an automatic approach that can save you a lot of this time: E-Mail Filtering <strong>Challenge:</strong> <ul><li>Choose an E-Mail client (either desktop client or web mail)</li> <li><strong>Create the following filters:</strong></li><li>a filter that automatically labels mails from with "TU" or moves them to a folder called "TU"</li><li>a filter that sends unwanted mails (containing words of your choice) to the spam folder</li><li>a filter that marks e-mails containing the words "Knowledge Management" as important (e.g. by flagging or starring)</li></ul>

Reload Properties File (via ResourceBundle)

The Problem can be reproduced by doing following steps: 1. Step.: Loading a Properties File via ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(""); 2. Step.: Changing/Adding values to the properties file and saving it. 3. Step.: Accessing/Reading the properties file again. Step 3 is not trivial as ResourceBundle keeps the properties file cached. Therefore you can't access the new values of the properties file. Though there is a function "rb.clearCache()" which should do excatly what I want it does not! work. Therefore a workaround is needed.

distribute firewall settings

<p>In networks of Windows workstations whether at home or at work you might want to use same settings and exceptions of the windows firewall on different workstations and not enter same settings on each pc over and over again. Some application or services need several ports to be opened to function correct. What are possibilities to distribute these carefully defined settings on several workstations?</p>

How to change the MAC address

<p><p>Once I tried to change my PC<span style="mso-bidi-language: AR-SY;">`s </span>Mac address (I had internet access account according to a specific IP address and the MAC address)&nbsp;I tried to use another PC with the same account information but I couldn&rsquo;t because of the Mac address, I had all the account information except the Mac address...</p></p>


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