
Problem installing docker on windows 10

I've just tried installing docker on my windows pc, however after the installation, my monitors are not able to work properly anymore. Normally I use 2 monitors that extend each other so I can use both at the same time. After the installtion of docker they started to just duplicate and also had issues with the resolution. When I remove docker and disable hyper-v the problems stop, I do need to use docker however for a current project, so I need to find a workaround to solve these issues. I am using a Lenovo Y50-70 notebook.

How to install Drupal 7 with Acquia Dev Desktop?

Hello, I have downloaded the latest version of Acquia Dev Desktop and am now trying to set up a Drupal 7 site using it. However, the start screen only gives me Drupal 8 and 9 as vanilla Drupal distributions and I can only get Drupal 7 if I use a modified distribution that does not fit our needs for the course. I've also tried installing older versions of Acquia, but unfortunately these fail to load the site list completely. What can I do to get a Drupal 7 site on my computer?

Installing TrueCrypt on mac

Working on an assignment for a Digital Forensics course, I had to open some TrueCrypt container. In order to do so, I downloaded TrueCrypt zip and extracted it. The version I downloaded was 7.2. I then proceeded to install it, but I got an error saying: “TrueCrypt requires MAC OS X 10.4 or later”. Just to be sure, I checked my MAC OS version - it was 10.14.0. Apparently, the logic condition that tests the OS version was not correct and I found myself unable to install TrueCrypt. I found two solutions for that problem: the first one was to change the code inside install script of TrueCrypt, that tests OS version and the second one was to change OS config files. I decided to do the first one, because I did not plan to use TrueCrypt after I open the container. (Using TrueCrypt is not secure because it may contain unfixed security issues. Development of the TrueCrypt ended in 2014.) These were the steps that I took to solve the problem: 1. I copied the mpkg file from the downloaded zip on my Desktop. 2. Right click on the mpkg file —> Show Package Contents. 3. Open the distribution.dist file with a text editor. 4. Find function pm_install_check() and replace the whole code inside it with “return true;” 5. Save the file. After all that was done, I was able to install TrueCrypt.

SASS installation on Windows 7 using the Console

SASS is a CSS extension, which is used on the “development level”. It helps you write a code, which is later compiled in CSS.
Before going into more details about the installation, I would like to mention two things:
• The operating system that I`m using is Windows 7, so the steps that I performed in order to install SASS are based on that OS.
• For the installation itself I used the console (Command Prompt). Of course there exists some applications that may automate the process, but I choose to use the console since it is build in the Windows and the commands that I used are not so difficult. Those commands are actually the same for all operating systems.

Firstly you should open the console (or Command Prompt), which is located in Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. Another common used way, which I actually use is to press Windows Button + R, then a window opens, where you should type “cmd” and press Enter.

Installing Ruby

1) Since SASS is based on Ruby, the first thing you have to do is to install Ruby. If you already have Ruby on your machine you can directly go to the next step.

2) The easiest way to install Ruby is to go on the RubyInstaller webpage: and to download the corresponding version of Ruby.
Important: During the installation don`t forget to click “Add Ruby executables to your PATH”.

3) After the installation is complete you can check the Ruby version by typing “ruby –v” into the console, which will show the current version of Ruby.

Installing SASS

4) Type in the console “gem install sass”. This command will download and install the latest version of SASS. The installation should not take long time.

5) You can again check if the installation went well by typing “sass –v” in the console. If you get the version information, then you`ve successfully installed SASS.

Up-to-date Windows Installation Media

Microsoft only provides Windows 7 installation media with service pack 1 applied. After every new installation, you have to apply over 150 updates. This is very time consuming. Is there a way to integrate updates packages in the Windows installation disk?

How to install Windows 7 ISO from bootable USB stick

Often it is not possible to install the OS (Windows 7) from DVD. Sometimes devices dont have a dvd drive or you have only the ISO dowloaded from the Microsoft Download store. With USB installation you can save time but you need a USB stick with at least 4 <ul> <li> you need at least a 4GB USB STICK</li> <li> a original Windows 7 DVD or an ISO image, with another tool you can also create an ISO image</li> <li>you pc or notebook must support booting from an USB device, you can check and change this settings in the BIOS otherwise you have to look into the namual</li> </ul>

Installing Protégé on MacOs leopard

When I tried to install the Protégé editor on my MacOS leopard system from the following link, I was able to download it, but I couldn't open the install-file.
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