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Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

No Updates after Switching View Many Times

A single-page web application was getting push updates via SSE. Each view used a different SSE resource from the same endpoint. After a certain amount of navigations via the main menu, no updates would be displayed anymore. This problem seemingly did not occur reliantly at first but as it turned out it would occur exactly after the seventh view changes (navigating 7 times via the menu). Every time a view is opened, its controller requests the respective SSE resource to get updates for the view. I was able to confirm this behavior on the API proxy which logged every request URL.

Bad performance with nested classes and large amount of data when using Hibernate

In my JEE application, I am using the Hibernate framework as the ORM mapper. Initially, the performance was very good. However, as more and more data is gathered during the lifetime of the application, the performance is getting worse and worse. The data model is rather complicated, and the entities are nested. Are there configuration options, that could help to improve the performance?

Values not updated in the GUI frontend of a JEE application using the Apache Wicket framework

I am using the Apache Wicket 6.0 framework as the GUI framework in my web application. I have the following problem: after changing the data, the value displayed in the text field does not change according to the data that has been entered respectively calculated after entering it and pressing a button to perform a calculation. Unfortunately, I have to refresh the site. Why does this behavior occur?

Configuration of a database connection in a JEE application

I intend to create a JEE application with tomcat as the webcontainer. I will use postgresql as a database, and will use Eclipse as IDE. Where can I configure how to access the database?

Increase website visibility in search engines

I want to increase my website visibility in google search engine, so that users finds my websites faster and correct keywords they use in google search guides to my pages. My pages are also rapidly changing because of new information. So I want google search to be up to date what is on my websites.

Relatively positioned item out of boundaries in auto overflow parent container

I was doing web design using elements inside of parent elements. My parent element containers overflow was set to auto and child was positioned relative. This did not work. My child element was out of boundaries.

Tracking Individual Users

I want to track individual user on my website. I want to know what they do on my websites, what are their locations and more.

Accessing location in browser

I want to implement a location dependent web application, is there any way of getting access to the users location in the browser?

WAMP Server does not start properly (port occupied)

I am trying to test my web application with the WAMP server, but Apache does not start properly.

Responsive layout

Different devices have different screen space, on smartphones a vertical layout might be advantageous over a horizontal. How can we create a responsive layout that automatically determines the screen width and adapts content accordingly, without messing around with media queries and having to customize the layout for each browser?


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