
VMware Fusion to run Windows on a mac

To run windows programs on Mac OS leopard, you can use the ability of installing Windows on a mac using VMware Fusion.
VMware Fusion makes it possilbe to run the most demanding Windows and Mac applications side-by-side. It is handled like a standard Mac-application to have easy access to all necessary windows programs.

Internet Explorer on Mac OS leopard

There is no Internet Explorer available for Mac OS leopard. But sometimes it would be interesting to run it, for example to test a new homepage.

Validate html code

To be certain of a good representation of a homepage in different common browsers, it is necessary to validate the code.

Dropbox - Storing and sharing files in the cloud

Dropbox is a web-based file hosting service which uses cloud computing to enable users to store and share files and folders with others across the Internet using file synchronization. You can download it at

Dropbox can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android devices and more. After creating an account and installing, you will find a folder called "My Dropbox". All files in this folder will be synchronized seamlessly to every other device that has Dropbox installed. If you can't install the client, you can still use the web interface at - just log in with your username and password in the upper right corner.

Dropbox also offers a version history and sharing features. Using the version history you can easily revert back to previous versions. The sharing features are great for collaborating on files and folders.

Store and share files across the internet

In modern life, people change devices many times a day. However, very often, they work with the same files. When transferring files by hard-disks, USB sticks, other external storage or sending by mail, you can easily become a victim of many different fragmented versions. Nowadays, however there are systems available that solve that problem by storing your data in the cloud. This way, it is available on every device, wherever you are, as long as you are connected to the internet. <strong>Challenge:</strong> <ul> <li>Find an online hosting service for your files.</li> <li>Find out how to upload your files and upload at least 3.</li> <li>Change one of your files and save it. Now look into the version history and try to undo your action by re-activating the older version.</li> <li>Is there an integration of the hosting service into you operating system? How can you make use of this?</li> <li>Now try to find your uploaded files on a different device (e.g. smartphone)</li> <li>Share one of the files with a friend of yours.</li> </ul>

Online timetable management

With calendar software it is easily possible to manage timetables of many people. Simple login and occupying time information is enough to manage meeting times.

International calls for a locked cell for this (Blackberry)

Because of the many cellular operators still offer an expensive international call service, for who have family, friends or bussiness in other countries is necessary to find an alternative solution.

There are several applications through which calls can be made using a cell phone with Internet anywhere in the world. In the case of a Blackberry, can access a good service to many low-cost international calls: MobileGlobe. Since the application of Blackberry -> appworld -> Utilities -> Phoneservices -> MobileGlobe!


Spam-Protect web forms

Spam is not only a problem for emails, but more so for web forms. Bots from spammers try to fill out forms all over the internet. But unlike in your email inbox, the data from your web forms normally does not get spam filtered, which makes spam in these cases an even bigger problem. The goal is to add spam protection (CAPTCHA) to your web forms to make sure only humans fill in and submit the form.

Access your computer over internet in a secure way

Accessing you own data is getting more and more important. Part of it is already accessible from "everywhere", when stored with your emails. But "the cloud" is not that advanced yet and so there are documents you only have on your computer. Imagine you switch place for a couple of days, and still want to be able to look something up. One possibility was to create a backup and store all documents you might need on an external drive - a tedious process, and will forget the <em>one important</em> document. You could also open a port for Windows' Remote Desktop connection, but for security reasons this is not a choice. There should be a secure way to access the data.

Google-Analytics to track website usage

With google-analytics one can track ones website's vistors in various complex ways. The google-analytics tracking service is intuitive and free (up to 5 million hits per month). This solution will show how to implement the necessary functionality in ones website.

Step 1: go to the google-analytics website.

Step 2: register and login.

Step 3: place the provided javascript snipplet directly before the end of your webpage's body segment.

Here the snipplet (from 11/2010). The XXXXXXXX-X will be replaced by ones account number.
javascript start

var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X']);

(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);

javascript end

That's it! But keep in mind that Google uses the information to extend its information about the visitor as well (privacy!).


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